HSE Management

Efficiency, Sustainability,
and Growth!

International Organization for

Acquired ISO 14001:2015

Environmental Management System
For systematic environmental management, we have acquired and maintained ISO 14001 certification as we meet the criteria of the ISO 14001 international standard environmental management system. By establishing and managing an environmental management system that that meets the international standards, we have laid the foundation for early detection of environmental risks and improvement of environmental performance.
Environmental Management Performance
HD Hyundai Electric actively responds to climate change by setting targets to reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions every year and measuring performance. In 2021, we set the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2.5% compared to the previous year, and we plan to continuously minimize the environmental impact of our business activities.
  • Development of Eco-friendly Products and Services

    HD Hyundai Electric has developed products and services focused on minimizing greenhouse gas emissions and enhancing energy efficiency. We will continuously strive to develop more eco-friendly products and services.

  • Contribution to Renewable Power Generation and Greenhouse Gas Reduction

    HD Hyundai Electric has generated 17,788MWh of renewable electric power annually and reduced 22,142 tons of CO2 through various environmentally friendly projects such as the construction of a power plant for renewable electricity production and installation of an energy storage system (ESS).

  • 63 Green Patents

    HD Hyundai Electric currently holds 63 green patents. This accounts for 9.5% of the total number of 664 patent registrations. We will continue to diversify our eco-friendly patents in the future as part of our IP rights management agenda.

  • Pre-Issuance Assurance of ESG Bond Management System

    In March 2021, HD Hyundai Electric acquired Pre-Issuance Assurance for our ESG bond management system including green bonds. Based on the financial resources secured through green bonds, we plan to carry out projects related to eco-friendly activities such as carbon emission reduction, energy efficiency buildings, and conversion to new and renewable energy.

Eco-friendly Products

Meet the eco-friendly products of GREENTRIC, a great start for the earth and mankind.

GREENTRIC Eco-friendly Products

HSE Policy & Objectives
  • HSE Policy

  • 2023 HSE Onjectives